Successful long-term pest animal control on your property relies on cooperation with neighbors and coordination of pest management planning and control activities.
Integrated pest management recognizes that in many situations, effective, long-term control of pest animals is best achieved by combining several complementary control methods.
Your local government and Biosecurity Queensland can provide expertise and technical support services to help you choose the best control method. Control methods may include:
chemical control – using pesticides and insecticides to control pest animals
physical control – using mechanical tools, equipment, and machinery to capture, exclude or destroy pest animals
biological control – using animal-specific diseases to control pest animal populations or protecting livestock with guardian animals.
The most effective methods in enviro pest control are insect traps . Many chemical and visual baits attract insects and can be used to monitor or directly reduce insect populations. The effective use of traps requires knowledge of the characteristics of particular pests or crops associated with particular applications. For example, they can be used to estimate when pests are most active in order to optimize the timing of insecticide spraying.
Ecological pest management focuses on preventive rather than reactive approaches to pest management. By increasing biodiversity and creating habitat for natural enemies, land managers can boost natural pest control services and reduce reliance on pesticides.