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10/11/2013 11:41 pm  #1

How a newbie should start Forex?

There are a lot of people who want to trade in Forex trading. But they don't know how to start first Forex trading. First they should study a lot about Forex from various web sites. They can join in forums for getting more knowledge and information about Forex. Thus they can complete the primary stage of Forex trading.

10/19/2013 1:52 am  #2

Re: How a newbie should start Forex?

Forex has following stages
1. Learning
2. practice
3. Trading.
For First stage Forex Forums like MoneyFx are suggestesd. Anyhow you can consult mentor for this. For second stage demo account is good

11/04/2013 9:48 pm  #3

Re: How a newbie should start Forex?

hello i am agree with you...........

3/20/2015 8:02 pm  #4

Re: How a newbie should start Forex?

One should only begin with collecting proper knowledge as that will bring experience which will lead us to great results but we must be careful that we don’t do anything silly and concentrate well because if learning is good everything else too will work well. As far I am concerned I don’t have to worry about learning as I am using demo account with OctaFX and that really helps me learn well and I can practice all the unique and different things and still pull them with style.

6/25/2015 4:43 am  #5

Re: How a newbie should start Forex?

Of course, it’s definitely by learning things properly, if we take the right steps straight away then we will never have to face any difficulty, I am very happy to be with Nova FX broker, it has guided me perfectly on how to do trading and that too free of cost, so I always feel privilege to be with them. I don’t think even by paying anyone can get a guide like them which is so trusted and reliable without any charges!

2/15/2016 2:33 pm  #6

Re: How a newbie should start Forex?

We should first find a good source to learn from since when we learn properly, we will find 100 ways of making money through it and education never fails anyone, so that is why our primary objective has to be to get education and when we do that, it will automatically help us become better trader. I am lucky enough to have perfect guide from OctaFX broker where there is really great educational guide plus so many demo contest that I can participate on especially like cTrader or Southampton Supreme, as these both are excellent. We can win incredible prizes with these contest and the latter one got unlimited prizes to be won, so that’s what makes it extra-ordinary to be part of.

3/19/2016 9:32 am  #7

Re: How a newbie should start Forex?

I was unlucky that when I started there was no one to support me, but fortunately things have changed now, I am with OctaFX broker at present and with them, I am not required to have anyone else. It’s not just a broker for me, but it is a mentor for me because through their educational guides I have learned so much. I believe without such help I might have given up long time ago, but now I will never quit and I am making great profits consistently. Also, I can enjoy every week through their demo contest like cTrader and Southampton Supreme, the great benefit of the latter contest is, it is just 90 minutes with unlimited prizes, so that’s really astonishing.

3/21/2016 1:01 pm  #8

Re: How a newbie should start Forex?

It is obviously through proper education and practicing well of what we have learned well. I am trading with Vinson Financials broker and with them, I am able to get plenty of help through their easily understandable educational guides and rest we can use up their free demo account option to execute whatever we learn and for next stage I get plenty of help through their analysis system which too is pretty cool and something that anyone will feel very pleased with.

3/27/2016 2:20 pm  #9

Re: How a newbie should start Forex?

I think it should be with training and once we complete that, we can try to execute whatever we have learned and only when we make profits on virtual accounts we can start with real. I have learned so much from Baby Pips, I consider them as the best site on internet as far learning goes and for another part which is execution, I rely upon on OctaFX broker only with their demo contest, it’s really incredible since there are so many demo contest promotions present here. I participate on all, but I have found Champion to be really cool since I can try long term strategies here and this is as sort of contest which we can win by hard work instead of luck.

4/08/2016 8:03 am  #10

Re: How a newbie should start Forex?

I will share my experience so perhaps that will help others. I started with learning from Baby Pips, it took me around 6 to 8 months’ time to complete the total education, after that was done I still never invested instead I started making plan and executing things I learned. Although, I do consider it as a mistake not to execute whatever I learn straight away instead learning all first. I believe we should always learn and execute straight away and only then move to next level. Now back to what I was saying, I started executing, but thanks to OctaFX broker, I never had to use dull demo instead better option in demo contest especially their latest offering in Southampton Supreme.

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