Experience is something we don’t need to make effort in order to gain, as it comes automatically with time, but for skill we are required to do the hard yard and that’s where many struggle big time. I found gaining experience very easy due to OctaFX broker’s prestigious demo contest in cTrader, it is weekly based with 400 dollars prize to be won plus the practice of course, so all this makes thing so good for me and as far skill comes, it is also possible to get with regular practice, so I get two shot with one bullet due to this outstanding brokerage company and always land me in good shape and keeps me away from losing or facing difficulties.
I believe experience is an on-coming thing, so it can’t be better, it is definitely skills that we need to gain which will make us successful, but without this skill it won’t be a smooth journey for us. I am working with Nova FX broker where they have epic 200 USD free welcome bonus where I can get plenty of experience while for skills I am following their education section which really helps me a lot to gain decent levels of skills.
It’s not possible to be successful without either one of them, it is very important that we have both at the same time and it’s not like we need to do alien type of things to get these type of things, it is both that comes along with each other, if we work regularly then we will get experience while skills will always be enhance that way and thanks to OctaFX broker, I am able to work even easier with their Champion demo contest where I am able to participate every month and not just practice, but chance of prize is available as well.
It is right that we need bothe expereience and skills of the trading but i think the skills are more needed then experience because if you good skills then you will get the experience iin the trading so skills of the trading and understand the forex system is very necessary in the trading to get the successs in the forex trading business.
Both experience and skills are needed in forex trading, with out experience you will not be able to make out a working skills and with out skills you can not apply your experience.