In currency dealing we have distinction strategy and program to business with but its almost real that there is nothing like 100% sure strategy which we can use to win the industry on continuous foundation and increase the stage of our benefit.
In foreign exchange industry its certain that our program and strategy are our earnings the better your strategy the higher your opportunity to win so allows discuss on how to get 100% sure strategy or not possible
The problem with majority is that they try too much even when not required and this leads to unhappy ending, so if we try to keep straight forward, it is going to be far more beneficial for us and will give better results. I always believe success is not about 100%, it’s about believe and confidence of handling the worst and riding the best. I am using scalping technique, it is very risky which means I have to be forever ready for losses, but thanks to OctaFX broker’s support, I am doing fairly well given their rebate program where I am able to get 15 dollars profits per lot size trade and the wonderful part is that they count losing part too.