Egopay is an online payment processor registered and domiciled in the country of Belize, C.A and are bound by the legal requirements of the country. It is known for its exchange services as well as relatively good payment options.
Only recently there were conflicting reports as to the genuiness of their claims that they truly register under the Belize authority which they have neither refuted nor accepted. There however are unpublicized reports that they registered under a different name in Belize hence the reason not to deny the claim.
This has made some relent in transacting with them while others are just being careful.
What do you think of Egopay and their future in the e-payment world
Last edited by Decub (9/29/2013 5:36 am)
I think Egopay has really gained popularity because I can see that it mostly used in HYIPs and if we look at the exchangers,we can see that it is having a good value with exchangers. The only thing that I don't really like about Egopay is that it has high fees.
Yes they have and the recent happenings and denial has never discouraged it's users rather, they keep waxing stronger the more. I believe that if they continue the way they are going, then they will likely make the waves in the e-payment world within the nearest future.
two days ago I idly egopay account registers, but why until now the confirmation link sent to the email I have yet to get in as well?. I also just try again with another email reg, has remained the same, an email confirmation of registration not go straight.
What would be a problem if the link does not go to the registration confirmation email we?
You are not the only one in this as I have heard someone complain about the same thing but I wouldn't say it is something that happens always. You can try logging in with your details and if it doesn't, then it will be wise enough to contact the support unit.
hello everyone
пункт 2 после слов ;
7) статью 19 изложить в следующей редакции:
3) реквизиты протокола общественных обсуждений, на основании которого подготовлено заключение о результатах общественных обсуждений;
- произведения монументального искусства, включая памятники, памятные знаки, стелы, обелиски, бюсты, триумфальные арки, триумфальные колонны, городские скульптуры, не связанные с увековечиванием памяти (не носят мемориального характера), статуи, мемориальные доски, рисунки, росписи, мозаики;
проект благоустройства - документация, разрабатываемая для размещения элементов благоустройства на объекте благоустройства, содержащая материалы в текстовой и графической форме;
3) информацию о месте, дате открытия экспозиции или экспозиций проекта правил благоустройства, о сроках проведения экспозиции или экспозиций такого проекта правил благоустройства, о днях и часах, в которые возможно посещение указанных экспозиции или экспозиций;
We the Polymers PK, Polymers Engineering (Pvt) Ltd., was established as a manufacturing concern in 2004, engaged in the manufacturing of products both for Civil & Military Use.
R — указывает на тип конструкции шины, по расположению внутреннего корда шины разделяют на шины с радиальным расположением корда (R) и шины с диагональным расположением корда (D), большинство современных шин легковых автомобилей имеют радиальное расположение корда, шины с диагональным кордом выпускаются для сельскохозяйственной и строительной техники