Earn $0.01 USD per click.
Earn 20% per referral click.
Minimum payout $2.00
Accept PayPal, Payza.
Rent referrals for only 0.25$ for 1 referral / 30 days.
Professional Support 2013.
As a member of UKABUX, you can earn from:
PTC Advertisements
Paid To Sign Up Offers
The Grid (AdGrid) Coming on 01 September
Virool Video Offerwall (Watch videos and earn)Coming on 01 September
SuperSonic Ads Offerwall (Complete offers and earn)Coming on 01 September
and many other earning opportunities..
Ukabux is a site owned by, currently in ukabux you will get an average of 5 ads daily with a clicking rate of 0.01, so the minimum payout of $2 can be reached in 40 days with clicking on ads.